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Sve što ste oduvek želeli da znate o hijaluronskim filerima, a niste imali koga da pitate, niti gde da pročitate!
Ovde vas očekuje sve ono čega nema na drugim mestima i još malo filozofiranja na ovu temu.
U današnjem svetu brzog života, brze hrane i brze lepote, nije na odmet uzeti dnevno nekoliko minuta (a može i duže) za sebe, zastati, razmisliti, misliti, razmišljati ne samo o sebi nego i o drugim ljudima, o prirodi, o društvu, učiti o temama koje vas zanimaju, i sve ostalo što vam padne na pamet. 
A ukoliko ste jedna takva osoba, dobrodošli na ovaj blog!

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Writer's pictureMara

What do you see here?

What if you start falling for a person already knowing anything between you is doomed to fail?

The emotions set themselves in charge and you´re slowly (but surely) losing control of them. Nothing between you and that other person ever happened yet, maybe nothing will physically ever happen, But you start feeling the buzz and the electric charges and some uninvited thoughts. You are starting to act silly in general and silly around that person.

Now, your ´logical´ self tells you - do not! I repeat do not go there! It will only bring you pain and misery. If not now, then later. You are a smart person. You know how this will end.

And you nod to your logical self, you promise yourself not to go there, not to open that door, and not to do anything to start a chain of unstoppable events.

You say it loud and clear - you will do no action.

And then, by the law of karma, there should be nothing happening. No action, no reaction. We are good. Everything will stay as it is. Nothing will ever change. You just need to sit there tight and keep it like it is.

But....there is always this but coming...but every time that certain person physically comes near if some metamorphines start floating in the air, as if they lift up from you, they lift up from that other person, meet up in the air and start the party. And you are a little bit struck by it all. What is going on? You yourself have no idea - you already lost control.

If one gets this strong emotion, is it to be considered a blessing or not? Emotions makes are who we are, our feelings make us who we are. They also sometimes make us look and act ridiculous. Not to mention, make us say ridiculous things as well.

I wish I was a robot. No problems of this nature for them. They just do their robo-jobs, live their robo-lives, and do their daily robo-things. No incommodities such as feelings, especially uninvited romantic ones. They can re-boo or switch off anytime.

And for the rest of us - we just have to get through the process of love, there is no way around it. It will happen and will probably in the end be painful, painful and beautiful or just beautiful. Somewhere in between, it could become the very best thing ever happening bringing the divine to life.

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