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Sve što ste oduvek želeli da znate o hijaluronskim filerima, a niste imali koga da pitate, niti gde da pročitate!
Ovde vas očekuje sve ono čega nema na drugim mestima i još malo filozofiranja na ovu temu.
U današnjem svetu brzog života, brze hrane i brze lepote, nije na odmet uzeti dnevno nekoliko minuta (a može i duže) za sebe, zastati, razmisliti, misliti, razmišljati ne samo o sebi nego i o drugim ljudima, o prirodi, o društvu, učiti o temama koje vas zanimaju, i sve ostalo što vam padne na pamet. 
A ukoliko ste jedna takva osoba, dobrodošli na ovaj blog!

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Writer's pictureMara

Fighting against yourself

Do you know that feeling when you meet someone and instantly get a question- How are you doing? - and how you are doing is too personal and complex, to describe your state of mind as too complicated and delicate to fit into one word, one sentence, or even one hour of monologue and explanation. So, you get fleshed with anger that you are trapped in this world where you have to use the words and vocalized sounds to be understood and heard. A big arche-scream is urging to come out of you and that scream would be a good description of your state of mind. An illusion of a fire banding would be a perfect fit - if you could create one and on the spot show how you feel. And n accompanying sound of explosion while you are creating fire from your hands to depict your state of mind.....but not in this world....not yet.

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